Laura For Dogs

Puppy and Dog Training

Family Pet Specialist
AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator since 1992
Pet Therapy Evaluator for 17 years

(925) 447-DOGS(3647)

What We Offer

Laura training dog.

Photo of a black lab.

Puppy Training:
five week course, fee $200
12-20 weeks old
Dog Training:
five week course, fee $200
Dogs 20+ weeks old
Intermediate Training:
five week course, fee $200
Offered to graduates of above classes

These are structured classes with lesson plans and written homework. One hour each week for a five week course. It is best one core person attends and trains with the puppy/dog. Other members of the household are welcome to attend, please be aware there is a limited amount of seating in the classroom. There are no "make ups" for missed classes.

Any puppy/dog showing any aggression or excessively barking will be removed from the class. Please be sure your puppy/dog is appropriate for a group class before signing up.


I specialize in fitting and use of a Gentle Leader Head Halter. I also have Educational Booklets for the prevention and treatment of some common behavior problems.

"The dog did it"

Teaching house and yard manners.

"Keep away games"

All about teaching the come command.

Laura teaching in golden retriever to leave the treat alone.

Come Join the Fun! Call Laura Direct for All Schedules and Sign Ups -

(925) 447-DOGS!

Currently accepting virtual appointments